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Eloquence Pure Luxury Collection Review

For the past few weeks, I have been trialing some gorgeous skincare from Eloquence. I am very hesitant about what I try on my skin and have brands that I trust, all because I am acne prone and sensitive. When it comes to Eloquence, I was partly hesitant. They are a brand that invest time in making sure all their products are the best quality and made from all natural ingredients. They have the finest of ingredients in their products, one been Sachi Inchi Oil, a unique blend of Omega 3 to restore the skins elasticity. Omega 6 to fight dehydration and Omega 9 to help with signs of ageing. You can read more about the brand and their vision here. 

All of this works together to give you skincare products that your skin likes and contains nothing harsh or unnatural. My skin and the way these products work on it, will be completely different to how it work on your skin - just a caution. This set is a 4 step system but no product has been created for you to use to the t, I like to use 1 and 2 in the morning and then 3 and 4 in the evening. 
 Eloquence Pure Luxury Collection Review