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Budget Makeup Storage Ideas

Finding new ways to store my makeup is so much fun, when you live in a student flat and then have home too, it is hard to find ways to keep things tidy and organised. I've found some super easy and inexpensive ways to store makeup and most of them look pretty too! I try my best to keep everything tidy on a daily basis, but find myself still getting things messy - I guess that is just normal, first thing in the morning.
budget makeup storage

The Glam Face & DIY Surprise Party

Two weekends ago was the most stressful weekend of my life, my mum turned 50 and as a family we took it upon ourselves to host a surprise party. She had absoutely no idea, until the moment she walked through the door and we shouted SURPRISE. The look on her face was priceless, it was such a great night and its crazy that we actually pulled it off. 

The most important parts of the night for me, were the decorations because the venue was bare without anything. Then of course my makeup, I obviously needed to look the part as the daugther of the special person and had my makeup planned out for weeks. I managed to do an entire face in the dark with the tiniest mirror in just under 10 minutes, proud doesn't even cut it!  

DIY| Quick & Easy Iced Coffee

Quick & Easy Iced Coffee Quick & Easy Iced Coffee
Today, I have for you a quick and easy DIY summer drink that you can enjoy on a hot summers day! When I say its quick and easy I mean it really is, it doesn't involve any fancy equipment or blenders ect just a few simple things that you should have lying around the house! I used my tumbler from Starbucks so the amount of things I used doubled compared to a smaller cup or cute little jar. 
Quick & Easy Iced Coffee

Step 1
Quick & Easy Iced Coffee
The first things you want to do is to add your teaspoons of coffee into your cup, I used 2 and a little bit and this Nescafe is really strong but I like some strong coffee. To this I added some Caramel Syrup but you can add sugar if you prefer or nothing as well - its up to personal preference. 

Step 2

Quick & Easy Iced Coffee
You then want to add some hot water to the coffee, only enough to mix the coffee thoroughly but if you prefer your iced coffees a lot more stronger than add more water. Make sure you stir it properly so that everything is mixed well together. 

Step 3

Quick & Easy Iced Coffee

Then you want to fill it up with milk seen as though this is a iced coffee, we need something colder than the water to give it that iced feel as well as colour that it makes. I added more milk afterwards as I love more milk, but again its personal preference. Then you want to add some ice cubes, this will instantly add the 'iced and cold' feeling to your drink and that's it! Time to enjoy!

How easy?! Very. I will be making this a lot this summer, and its a lot cheaper than going out and buying one! Hope you enjoyed reading. 


Blogmas Day 21 || DIY Wrapping ♥

We are nearly there my friends, 4 days to go till the big day! I am so excited and one thing that I love to do every year at the time is wrapping presents! Some people hate it, but I love it! When I went Xmas shopping a few weeks ago, I spotted lots of shops selling wrapping paper that looks just like parcel paper but fancy!
DIY Wrapping
Buy here
So I bought out the DIY queen that is inside of me and made my own version-ish! And it is super cheap and affordable and looks so different to anything else.
DIY Wrapping
You Will Need;
- Parcel Paper Roll
-  Thick String/Ribbon
- Present to Wrap
- Scissors
DIY Wrapping
The first thing you want to do is cut out your parcel paper so that you have enough to wrap you present lik you would using wrapping paper. 
DIY Wrapping
Once its wrapped you can wrap your string or ribbon around it, I used red as I thought it looked really nice! But Silver,Gold, Black or even White would look really pretty as well. 
DIY Wrapping
When you've done that you want to attach your tag and write a sweet merry message on it and you've done! I think that it looks so pretty and works really together. 
DIY Wrapping
I actually ended up wrapping all my presents up, and it looks so pretty when it comes together and is under the tree!

Hope you enjoyed this very different blogmas post and I will see you all tomorrow! 

Travel Supermarket Beauty and The Beach Two ♥

For the past two years; Travel Supermarket have ran a competition for bloggers called 'beauty and the beach'. All you have to do is post your favourite holiday hair, nails or make up and explain how you achieved the look. It is very easy and you can find out more.

I have decided to enter the nails and hair category!


When it comes to summer time and painting my nails I like having something simple but with a twist! I am not a nail art professional, but I like to have a go every now and then. I also like doing things on my nails that don't take that long because I can't wait for my nails to dry and this is super easy and quick!

 Travel Supermarket Beauty and The Beach Two

- 2 Nail Polishes ( One Base + Flower Colour)
I am going to be using the BarryM Gelly in 'Blueberry' as this is a gorgeous blue colour for summer time and these nail polishes last for ages! Along with Essie 'Cascade Cool' another lovely colour for the summer time and for the beach.
- Hair Grip

Step 1 - First of all you need to paint all your nails the base colour, I recommend applying two coats as it gives you a better colour.
Step 2 - With your chosen polish for the flower, dab some onto a piece of paper to make using the polish a lot easier! Grab your hair grip, open it up and dip it in the polish!
Step 3 - Before painting onto my nails, I practised on the piece of paper - to make sure I'm not shaking.
Step 4 - Then go ahead and paint the flower on to your nail; starting with the centre and working your way out.
 Travel Supermarket Beauty and The Beach Two

Clean up any mess with a cotton bud and apply a top coat to seal in your design! And hey presto you have your very own dotting tool and pretty nails!


I have long hair and I have previously had short hair too. I know that summer can be a pain for all types and lengths of hair, you just want to do something with it that doesn't require heat and effort! This hairstyle is super easy and requires sleep! This is so easy, you are going to be amazed that you can get easy, no stress, heat-less waves over night!

You Will Need;
- Salt Spray/Curling Spray ( optional )
- Clips
- Hairspray

Step 1 - Wash your hair the night before and let it dry naturally so that your hair becomes damp.
Step 2 - Split your hair into two and comb it threw to remove any knots and tangles. Spray the hair with either salt spray or a curling spray ( this step is optional, it works with or without the product!)
 Travel Supermarket Beauty and The Beach Two

Step 3. Starting at the front, twist your hair until you get to the end and clip it up with any sort of clips you can find!
 Travel Supermarket Beauty and The Beach Two

Step 4 - Spray Hairspray evenly throughout the hair to keep it in place over night! Then have a good night's sleep.

Step 5- In the morning when you're all ready, take the clips out and shake your hair around to add some volume and style it as you like!

 Travel Supermarket Beauty and The Beach Two
 Travel Supermarket Beauty and The Beach Two

With this look I love, creating two plaits and pinning them back for a boho look!

TeenTalkTuesday; DIY; Honey Face Mask ♥

Today I bring you a really simple, quick and easy DIY! I have heard a lot about the benefits of honey, and I thought that I would try out a honey face mask! All you need for this DIY is HONEY! You can also do this face mask and add different ingredients to it; such as... yoghurt, banana, apple, milk and cinnamon!

 Honey Face Mask

You can use whatever type of honey you like, whether it's raw,pure, natural! Whatever! Let me tell you some of the amazing wonders that honey can do!

Honey Face masks are hugely popular because of several skin benefits that honey offers. Honey as a basic ingredient in a facial mask helps to cure acne, scars, wounds, wrinkles and even dry skin.
Skin Benefits of Honey
- Honey has antibacterial properties, which helps in fighting acne and pimples. Honey reduces infection and is very effective home remedy to treat acne.
- Honey is also antiseptic. When honey is diluted with water, it produces hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an antimicrobial agent and is used as a mild antiseptic. Honey is useful in treating cuts, wounds, and abrasions.
-Honey is a good cleanser for skin. It soak ups impurities from the pores of the skin, leaving your skin clear and clean.
-Honey is a very effective moisturizer for skin. It retains moisture making your skin radiant, soft and supple.
-Honey properties protect your skin under the sun and assist the skin to rejuvenate and stay young.
-Honey is a natural remedy to prevent wrinkles. Honey slows down the ageing process.

Now lets get started! First of all you want to tie your hair back, or clip it back so that nothing gets in the way of the honey!

You then want to apply a even layer of the honey to your skin, it is very sticky so be careful and apply it in a safe area that you can clean up any mess! 

 Honey Face Mask

I leave it on for a good half an hour, so that my skin can soak up all the goodness and then I jump in the shower and wash it off! You can leave it on for a shorter amount of time if you wish, and you can also wash it off over the sink and then pat dry and apply moisturiser! 

Hope you guys enjoyed this! For DIY's coming..!

Models Own Review ♥

Hey everyone!!! First off all i want to say a huge, big thankyou for getting my blog to over 1000 views! I don't usually look at views ect. as i'm not really bothered - but this is AMAZING! thankyou!! Today's review is of a bunch of models own products that I picked up at the Clothes Show last year, however didn't really get to look at them properly. So I decided to take them out of the bag and use them!

First up nail polishes! I have heard a great deal of positive about the models own nail polishes! I constantly see them on my tumblr, and instagram dashboard! At the clothes show you got to pick two shades to have in your goodie bag! These are the two i picked, I don't really go for the glitter based polishes as I prefer to put glitter on as a top coat. But it was a different story with these, i fell in love with them! 'Scarlett Sparkle' looks amazing over a red polish or even two coats of it by its self look amazing too! The second 'Pinky Brown Bettle Juice' (love the name!) is a deep purple colour with glitter and looks amazing for a night out! The models own website allows you to view each polish in their collection! 

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

The next thing is the lip products, the first is their lip gloss and the second their lip balm. The lip balm is very moisturising - it doesn't feel heavy on the lips but makes them feel soft all day! The lipgloss is a gloss that is very sticky, i personally don't mind lipglosses that are sticky as they give a nice finish to your lips and have a better pigment. These products can't seem to be found online I'm afraid :( 

The next few things are eye products, however I also included the lip liner in this section as I also had the eye liner...wierd I know! The first is the pro-eyeliner, oh my golly gosh guys! I hate liquid liner, as it never goes on properly for me, however I don't know what it is with this but,this just works a treat! I can hold the bottle perfectly and it draws a line in one stroke! The second is the pencil liner, which I adore, it gives such good colour where as many pencil liners don't these days! It also is such a smooth thing to apply! The lip liner is my fav! The colour is one that I would never ever have thought of buying however, I just had a different liking to this colour on me! I LOVE IT!  

Pout Pamper + DIY Lip Scrub ♥

After yesterday's post on giving your self a manicure in this cold weather, I thought I would upload a post today and tomorrow along the trend of Winter! Brrrr! When the weather turns cold I always find that my lips become dry, chapped and nasty!! So here are a few simple steps you can do if your lips change in the cold weather!
DIY Lip Scrub

You know how your Exfoliate your face and skin to remove all the dry skin cells..? Well you should do the exact same to your lips! It may seem really odd at first but by scrubbing them you are protecting them from chapping. You can buy 3 different flavoured lip scrubs at LUSH for £5.25 each and it is worth every penny you spend! You can buy them here :) If you don't want to go out in this cold weather and buy the scrubs, you can make your own at home!

DIY Lip Scrub

You will need ..

  • Sugar (white or brown will do) 
  • Oil ( olive, light, coconut, almond whatever!)
  • Honey
  • Small Container/ Used up lip balm container (if you are going to be making lots!
I recommend using whatever amount of ingredients you want, depending on how much you are planning on making! To achieve this super scrub, all you have to do is combine the sugar and oil together in a small bowl or the container you may be using until the sugar absorbs the oil. Add a small squirt of honey to mould the mixture for the scrub together - this way it will have a texture that isn't messy to use. Transfer the mixture into a container or apply onto your lips to remove the flaky skin you may have.

Day & Night

Day - I always carry around a lip balm, so whenever my lips need a little bit of therapy I will have something handy!   DON'T ever be shy with the amount of balm you apply - go over the top if you must! It will help your lips soo much and leave them irresistibly soft!

Night - When it comes to bedtime, apply your lip balm on your lips, so you can wake up with smooth, luscious lips! At night I prefer using Vaseline  because I feel comfortable sleeping in it and it doesn't make my lips sticky .. if you get me?! I love the Vaseline range, any of their products make me fall in LOVE!! My fav lip balm has to be the Rosy one - because it's pink! This is available to buy almost anywhere! Or you can buy it online !