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Clothes Show Live 2014| Press Pass Experience+Haul


Clothes Show Live 2014

It's that time of year again CLOTHE SHOW TIME! If you want to see my posts from last year then click here and have a read! This year was a little bit different to the other two years that I have been because I was very lucky to be going as a member of press! Yes, tiny little blog on the internet was very kindly accepted for a press pass and I LOVED IT! In this post I will be posting a lot of photos so please be warned, as well as showing you what i bought along with my experience of being pass - i had no idea what to expect from it and maybe I can answer some questions you might have!

Clothes Show Live 2014

Being part of press sounds all very exciting and fancy and it really is! On arrival you get escorted by security to the lounge where you have access to Wi-Fi, plugs, press materials from stall holders as well as refreshments which for me was the best bit by far. You also get you're own little pass with you're name and the publication on which essentially gives you a chance to view the fashion row from the front of the stage! Yes, I was inches away from beautiful models in stunning clothes (see pictures below) and you get to sit on the first two rows and i was sat two seats away from Proudlock (made in chelsea) but stupid security wouldn't let me have a picture! After seeing the show you walk around the stalls as causal and have a jolly time! 


BarryM - A must have every year this year filled with even more goodies! In total I got 6 polishes which is crazy! Was kind of hoping for a Gelly in there but never mind the other ones are amazing! There is also a lip crayon, eye-liner, lip gloss, dazzle dust and a brow kit inside, All comes with a cute makeup bag perfect for travelling!

Ciaté - This one I was very EXCITED about! For only £10 you got a neon set which is perfect for the summer so look out for that, a little bag that contains three mini polishes along with glitter! And then a choice between either a pastel doll house or a beach house - i went with beach house because summer is going to be perfect for it! I was so shocked that this was in the bag as I have always wanted one and my dreams came true! 

Diet Coke were also there doing their bit as usual! You got the chance to design a bottle with various stickers and ribbons and then enter a competition to win ASOS vouchers! It even came with tissue and a bag which is the real reason I made my mum que up with me!

Another two that were there again this year...
Cosmo - Came with a magazine, lots of samples including salt spray and a Little Miracles Drink
So Susan/Jelly Pong Pong - This is the cheapest goody bag available on the day at only £5 you get a load of goodies that will soon appear on my blog especially that blush you can see - it is stunning!

That's it for this year, I had such an amazing day and felt so proud of myself for not spending lots and picking up some presents along with having amazing seats for the show! Did you go this year? Or will you be going next year? 

Small Autumn Primark Haul

Autumn Primark Haul
Autumn Primark Haul

Autumn Primark Haul

I did a tiny little bit of shopping in Primark the week, even though I went in with the mind set of buying lots of things I didn't because it was crazy and I just wanted to get out! The things I did pick up however have filled up that little bit of extra space in my wardrobe! 

The first place I went to was the shoe department, for some new wide foot flat pumps as mine are on the verge of collapsing! Primark have the cheapest ones compared to anywhere else in the world and even though they don't last very long, they are very very comfy!

I then picked up some more nails and if you saw this post, then you will know that I loved the first packet I got and it was a no-brainer that I would be picking up some more. This time the patterned ones didn't appeal to me and instead I went with the plain coloured ones! 

Like I said, Primark was very busy and so I decided not to spend so much time looking around the busy areas and instead just picked up two things for myself. The first thing on the left is one of their basic t-shirts that has a lovely spotty pattern on, along with long sleeves so perfect for this time of year! The other buy was a patterned shirt, not only is the pattern very elegant and nice but the shirt also has a peplum feature and looks surprisingly flattering on me!

No doubt I will be going back to Primark soon to stock up on jumpers and boots! 

Beauty Haul||Feel Unique,Superdrug+Boots

Beauty Haul||Feel Unique,Superdrug+Boots

Over the last two months I have been doing small shops to buy different pieces of beauty items, didn't mean to but everything was on offer when I purchased so its allowed!
Superdrug/Boots (I can't remember where exactly!)
Beauty Haul||Feel Unique,Superdrug+Boots

- BarryM Gelly's|| These have already featured on the blog! I picked up the new pastel shades from BarryM because I love wearing them for the Spring time.
-L'oreal Nail Polish|| A first from L'oreal from me, I loved seeing lots of people wearing these macaroon colours and wanted to try them out for my self. I got drawn into the mint green one out of the other shades because I have never seen anything like it!
- Rimmel Lipsticks|| Not one to buy from Rimmel a whole lot, I decided to pick up the Kate Moss Lipsticks because the nudes are meant to be amazing! And who can resist a Buy one get one half price offer? I picked up 03 and 08 both pinky nudes that look amazing for everyday wear.
-MUA Blusher|| After hearing some other people in Superdrug talking about them and literally buying every single shade I decided to pick one up as well to try. Not a big fan of blushes in general but this is very neutral so I guess I can make it work!
Beauty Haul||Feel Unique,Superdrug+Boots

-Batiste Dry Shampoo||I have recently become addicted to using dry shampoo, it has so many great benefits and I went a picked up a big bottle as well as a small one for my travels next week to London!
- Garnier Micellar Water|| A impulse purchase as it was on offer. But these Micellar water's have truly stolen my heart, and this is just another one to add to your shopping list. I love this compared to the other ones because it has been made for sensitive skin. A full review coming soon.
-Hair Grips|| I always loose my grips, and then my mum ends up finding them on my carpet or in the bathroom. But nevertheless, I still buy more because I need them all the time!
Feel Unique!
Beauty Haul||Feel Unique,Superdrug+Boots

-Tanya Burr Lipgloss|| Ahhh, I finally caved and bought two of the Lip-glosses from the range in 'Afternoon Tea' and 'Picnic in the Park' the names are so cute and they are amazing formula+quality!

Accidental Sales Haul|| Victoria Secrets,Next&More ♥

Accidental Sales Haul|| Victoria Secrets,Next&More ♥

Well, well, well, what can I say..I spent more money! I feel as though I need to stress the fact that this haul was not meant to have happened; I said to my self that I wasn't going to buy anything at the start of the year as I really want to save my money(that worked out well didn't it!) Nevertheless, I am going to be sharing with you the things that I have picked up along my way these past few weeks!
Accidental Sales Haul|| Victoria Secrets,Next&More ♥ 
First up, is Superdrug! And I went in to pick up some skincare goodies! I am always needing cotton rounds, so to be on the safe side I bought two small packets..another purchase that I really needed to make is to buy some new wipes from Nivea as my beloved Primark ones are coming to an end. And finally, after much debate about whether or not to get it..I bought the L'oreal Micellar water! It was on offer, so I thought ah why not and I have been using it for about a week or so and I am loving it - there will be a full review very soon.
Accidental Sales Haul|| Victoria Secrets,Next&More ♥
Whilst wondering around Superdrug doing my rounds, I decided to pop to the NYC section and saw this foundation that seemed very interesting! It claims to give you maximum radiance yet feel light so your skin can breathe easy.
Accidental Sales Haul|| Victoria Secrets,Next&More ♥
Another big purchase that you have already seen is the Naked 3 palette, which you can find more about here. I love this palette and have been loving to create different looks with it. 
Accidental Sales Haul|| Victoria Secrets,Next&More ♥

I have been needing a new school bag for a long time now, as my current one doesn't seem to fit everything in when i need it to! So when I got told by someone at school that there is a big sale on bags at Accessorize, I jumped with joy! I saw their 'Luca' bag had been reduced from £25 to £12.50 I just clicked buy without thinking, I also had a voucher and student discount so I only ended up paying for delivery! BARGAIN! 

I am one of those crazy people that goes to the Next sale on boxing day, and yes yes I am very sad and some may say crazy but I actually don't mind it. I have ordered some things online and still waiting for them to come through, but one of the things that I bought in store was this very cute jumper that I fell in love with because of the collar/jumper look.
Accidental Sales Haul|| Victoria Secrets,Next&More ♥

My last sneaky purchase was from Victoria Secrets, they had a 50% off all of their body sprays and how could I say no when the store was looking right at me. I came out with only one which is good! They are originally £11 and I got it for £5.50 including VAT in the smell 'Strawberries+Champagne' which not only sounds delicious but also smells yummy enough to eat! 
Accidental Sales Haul|| Victoria Secrets,Next&More ♥

You may see another one of these posts, as I heard that Boots have a 70% sale on!!! And that is it for this small not on purpose haul! Did you pick anything up? 

New Year's Resolutions for 2014 ♥

Every year my family and I set our selves resolutions for the year that is going to happen, as we are nearly in 2014 I thought I would share some of my life and blogging resolutions on here with you all. Many people don't follow the tradition of setting themselves 'targets' to reach, but for me it more of a motivator and helps me to succeed and achieve. Everyone is different and wants to reach for different things and here are a few of mine, I will hopefully reflect on these in 6 months time and maybe even this time next year. 

As far as blogging is concerned there are so many things that I could write in this post, but I want to make them realistic and ones that I know that I can achieve. 
1. First up is one that I know will happen as it just has to! I would like to buy a domain name for this blog, so instead of '' it would be '' not only does it sound much better but it looks so much better when you write it everywhere!
2. Next I want to get into a routine, in stead of always getting stressed and always rushing some of the posts I want to relax when writing the posts and not feel the pressure to always post. I know that this seems silly but I want to enjoy the posts that I write and then this way you can enjoy them as well. I want to also get into a routine of when I post and from what I have planned so far, this is already working out!
3. Quality of photos that I put on this blog has defo improved in my personal opinion! From a dodgy phone to my old digital camera and now my newer improved phone - samsung galaxy s3 - the photos are so much better. During blogmas I edited all the photos and I found that editing them on photoshop (which I am still learning a lot about!) makes them look so much better and higher in quality. I am hoping to buy a tripod or some form of stand to take pictures of outfits and viewpoint pictures instead of roping my brother in to help! 
4. There will also be alot of improvements going on when you visit the blog each time, I want to change it up a little bit!

Next up is just more of a general resolution, and that is to enjoy my self this year and look after not only myself but everyone around me. I have a great deal of things lined up and can't wait to go to these places and have a fun time with the people I love. I think that every woman out there sets themselves the goal of losing weight every year or a certain month, for me I want to feel good and look good. I would class myself as someone who eats healthy and as a veggie I kind of do! But I do have the odd treat every now and then and there is nothing wrong with that! The quote below pretty much sums it up!
I would also like to improve my skin, I have very acne/sensitive prone skin and a way to help this is to set my self a skincare routine in stone and STICK TO IT. This will be the only way that my skin will slowly improve over time. I also want to expand with the colours I use and experiment with the colours that I use on my eyes and my lips as I think it makes all the difference to your overall look.

And that is it! I hope you didn't find this too much of a ramble! Let me know your resolutions for the upcoming year! HAPPY NEW YEAR!