It's that time of year again CLOTHE SHOW TIME! If you want to see my posts from last year then click here and have a read! This year was a little bit different to the other two years that I have been because I was very lucky to be going as a member of press! Yes, tiny little blog on the internet was very kindly accepted for a press pass and I LOVED IT! In this post I will be posting a lot of photos so please be warned, as well as showing you what i bought along with my experience of being pass - i had no idea what to expect from it and maybe I can answer some questions you might have!
Being part of press sounds all very exciting and fancy and it really is! On arrival you get escorted by security to the lounge where you have access to Wi-Fi, plugs, press materials from stall holders as well as refreshments which for me was the best bit by far. You also get you're own little pass with you're name and the publication on which essentially gives you a chance to view the fashion row from the front of the stage! Yes, I was inches away from beautiful models in stunning clothes (see pictures below) and you get to sit on the first two rows and i was sat two seats away from Proudlock (made in chelsea) but stupid security wouldn't let me have a picture! After seeing the show you walk around the stalls as causal and have a jolly time!
BarryM - A must have every year this year filled with even more goodies! In total I got 6 polishes which is crazy! Was kind of hoping for a Gelly in there but never mind the other ones are amazing! There is also a lip crayon, eye-liner, lip gloss, dazzle dust and a brow kit inside, All comes with a cute makeup bag perfect for travelling!
Ciaté - This one I was very EXCITED about! For only £10 you got a neon set which is perfect for the summer so look out for that, a little bag that contains three mini polishes along with glitter! And then a choice between either a pastel doll house or a beach house - i went with beach house because summer is going to be perfect for it! I was so shocked that this was in the bag as I have always wanted one and my dreams came true!
Diet Coke were also there doing their bit as usual! You got the chance to design a bottle with various stickers and ribbons and then enter a competition to win ASOS vouchers! It even came with tissue and a bag which is the real reason I made my mum que up with me!
Another two that were there again this year...
Cosmo - Came with a magazine, lots of samples including salt spray and a Little Miracles Drink
So Susan/Jelly Pong Pong - This is the cheapest goody bag available on the day at only £5 you get a load of goodies that will soon appear on my blog especially that blush you can see - it is stunning!
That's it for this year, I had such an amazing day and felt so proud of myself for not spending lots and picking up some presents along with having amazing seats for the show! Did you go this year? Or will you be going next year?