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Is CBD good for your skin? EthicaCBD Review



CBD also known as Cannabidiol. It is definitely an ingredient that is buzzed about in the beauty world. It is an ingredient that is filled with mystery, acronyms and jargon. I've been trying two CBD based products from EthicaCBD and I have some thoughts..

Firstly, what exactly is CBD?
CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol. It is one of many compounds called cannabinoids that are extracted from the cannabis sativa plant, also known as hemp, for their many different benefits. 

Stressed out and Breakout Prone Skin
Long time readers will know my skin is breakout prone. The outer layer of my skin gets angry and feels so uncomfortable most of the time. Studies in the past have shown that using CBD based products such as creams and oils directly on to the face can help to sooth and calm the skin right down. Its also meant to help with oil production. 

In short, CBD diffuses reactivity in skin – think redness, rough texture & dullness – by telling skin cells to behave! 

Face Scrub* // I don't think I've used a physical scrub in a long time but this one is so soothing and soft on the skin, its been hard to resist in my routine. The scrub is infused with plum seed powder, which gives the scrub a more fine texture that the skin loves and doesn't get irritated by. Immediately after using this, my skin feels squeaky clean and so soft. I love that it helps refresh, brighten and smooth the surface of my skin. 

Night Cream*// Now. this is where the benefits have really started to show for me. After consistent use of this cream my skin is seeing and feeling the benefits. CBD is great at giving suppleness and live back into our body/skin. This cream helps the skin get more dewy and firmer after using every night. I love that even though it appears thick, it melts into the skin and leaves me looking like a grease ball before bed - its the only way to be! It really is delicate and soft on the skin. My skin drinks this up and I wake up the next morning, with the softest touch. 

I have had such a positive experience with these two products, not only are they vegan and organic but they are made with all natural ingredients. So, you're skin isn't going to get any surprises! 

Have you tried CBD in Skincare? 


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