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Relaxing with Bubble T

There is nothing better in the world than relaxing, having a pamper and doing absolutely nothing. After a busy working week, I have dedicated my weekends to doing exactly this and taking time for myself and nobody else. The team at Bubble T recently sent me over things and I have fallen in love with some incredible products, that I just have to share. 
bubble t review

bubble t bath fizzer

Lemongrass & Green Tea Bath Fizzer £2.99* // First of all, I can't believe the price of these! For the amazing quality, you pay less than £5, which is a lot less compared to other bath bombs you can buy. This one smells gorgeous, its a sweet smelling fizzer. A mix of pineapple and green tea, that really fills the bathroom with a lovely scent. I love using this a little bit at a time, as a little goes a long way. Its the perfect scent to have a soak in too, as it helps you to relax and calm down. 

bubble t tea bag

Moroccan Mint Tea Infusions £4.99* // Now, these are just the cutest creation I have ever come across! These 'tea bags' are small but they pack a punch and are a great alternative to bath bombs, if you want something quicker, easier and less messy. This scent is Moroccan mint and its so refreshing and different. When I used it the first time, I couldn't really smell much but then the next when I ran the bag under some water for a while it was much better. The sweet smelling orange and berry extracts come to light and just make you feel relaxed. I love using these when my back is aching, as it really does relax all the muscles.

bubble t hand cream

Hibiscus and Acai Berry Hand Cream £1.99* // Hand creams are a funny one. There are some that smell amazing but do nothing for dry skin. Then, there are others that do wonders but don't smell nice. You see the issue? However, this one is the best of both worlds. The sweet smell of shea butter and berry makes your hands smell amazing. At the same, it nourishes the hands and helps relieves them when they're dry and flaky. I love keeping this at work, as my hands are ALWAYS dry! I keep it on my desk and use it pretty much all the time, as do the children - its a firm favourite.

I am in love with everything from Bubble T and think I need to grow my collection more! Have you tried anything from them?


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