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Blog Photography: Phone vs Camera

Photography in my opinion is the most important part about blogging, its the thing that makes people want to like your photo on instagram, visit that blogpost you shared on twitter or allow a brand to work with you. Over the years, I have found different ways of taking my photos to suit me - my favourite way being a flatlay. I am by no means the best at doing them, some people slay the flatlay but I think I do a pretty good job, most of the time. 
blog photography for cheap
Since the beginning of time, my phone has always been my go to. It has been conveinet, easy to use and nothing fancy to set up. At the start of this year, I decied it was time to finally up my photo game and invest in camera, nothing too fancy but something nice to keep me going. My grandma, very very kindly helped me put some money towards a gorgeous new camera and since been in my possesion I have fallen in love with blogging all over again. Not that I ever fell out with it, but sometimes the passion goes away and you need something to motivate you and this was it. There are so many posts coming using the camera and I couldn't be more excited! I thought that I would round up the pros and cons of using both a phone and camera.  Each work in their own amazing way..

samsung s8 camera review

> My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S8, a single 12 mega pixel camera, and a f/1.7. 
> Has basic camera settings, nothing too fancy
> Easy to use, can use to upload straight on to social media
> Takes product photos well
> Can be given to someone else to take photos of you
> Sometimes very hard to get the camera to create the right angle of picture, there's always a shadow or slight dip in light that isn't automatically adjusted.
> There is no way to take outfit photos by yourself with a phone, you need to have someone to take them for you which is a bit of a pain. 
> Needs a lot editing, you can see in the photo above taken on the phone that you have to edit the hell out of it. The first shot is never right for me, some brigthening, contrast, whitening ect


> This is the Panosonic Lumix DC-GX800 ( my new baby), 16 megapixels.

> The best thing about this camera is that its a device itself, it has built in wifi to transfer photos from the camera to phone/pc. I used this easy How to Transfer Images from your Lumix guide to help me. So easy and instant! 
> With the app on your phone, you can see the image and then click to take it, which is perfect for outfit photos and flatlays from above.
> Of course the quality is incredible, you get 100% amazing looking photos each time. I took some of my makeup the other day for a post next week, I have never been so impressed with photos in my life! So excited for you to see them. 
>There is just so many, I can't even think about them all! 
> You can add different lenses on the camera for different looks

> Its a little pricey and is only a camera, compared to a phone which can do everything
> Very fancy if you are someone who knows nothing about cameras and its settings

As you can see having a camera has so many benefits, it works so well and I am obsessed. A phone is great and does the job but for that extra impacft a camera is definely a must have! 

Any camera tips - please let me know! I am CLUELESS but so ready to learn! 

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