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NutriPlan Tea Review

Since cutting out milk from my everyday diet, I have become obsessed with flavoured teas. I did drink them occasionally but now I have a box full. Too much? For the past week I have been tried out the NutriPlan Tea* from SlimKitten. 
NutriPlan Tea

NutriPlan Tea Review

NutriPlan Tea

The 7-day kit comes with a tea bag for every morning and one for every other night, giving your body a whole week of detox without the drastic changes in diet. All the ingredients in the tea are natural and contains the following;
Yerba Mate, Chamomilla, Hibiscus, Rosa Canina, Siberian Ginseng, Orange Peel, Tamarind, Lemon Grass, Ginger, Raspberry, Blueberry, Cranberry, Centaurea, Eucalyptus, Fennel and Pimpinella!

On my first smell and sip of the tea, all I could taste was lemon and ginger. Something that that was easy to cope with and carry on drinking. The morning tea is best taken before you have breakfast to get the full benefit, to which I follow up with toast or something else. Drinking this every morning has given me a boost of energy and even on my 9-6 days I am still going at 6pm. The bedtime one is recommended to take every other day, I drink this about an 1 hour before I am about to doze off. It hasn't helped with me going to sleep, but I do find that I am a lot more settled and not bloated. 

The Teatox also claims to 'reduce sugar and carb cravings' don't know how much of this is true! I am stress eating at the moment so maybe it wasn't the best time to test that claim out. The weekly kit costs just £8.99. They also have a range of packs from £49.00 which includes up to 4 weeks of tea and other supplements to clean your system. 

You can discover more about NutriPlan here -


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