Another fashion post? I'm on a roll. As I keep saying my wardrobe needs a major update, I went shopping at the weekend but nothing seems to either fit or look nice on me. Enter Krisp, an online store that brings you all the latest trends for a affordable price. Sounds a bit like heaven doesn't it? I wanted to buy everything when I went on their site but the bank says noooo. Here is a wishlist of items that I love!

I have become obsessed with ripped jeans, they seem to add some edge to an outfit. It is hard to get hold of ones that don't look too overdone, these gem studded ones look perfect. Ripped jeans, whatever the style or colour are great to wear for a casual look or in the evening.
Cutest blouse I have ever seen. This little piece is a blouse that is covered in lipsticks! My dream. This blouse comes in both white and black and I think I need both of them, printed tops are something I don't wear enough of because the print is never appealing. This one however, I would wear over and over again.
Still on the denim hype we have this stunning dress, denim is a hard thing to pull off but the acid wash used for this dress makes it much easier to wear. I can imagine this in the summer paired with some pumps and a leather jacket thrown over for a laid back look. Or in the evening paired with a pair of heels - j'adore.
When I saw this dress it immediately screamed evening wear or a summer wedding. Its very vintage and the rose print is just elegance at its best. Another dress that I can imagine with a leather jacket and some killer black heels - someone invite me somewhere please!
Krisp have lots of things to offer and I love majority of their things, one thing that I l-o-v-e and have fallen head over heels for are these shoes. If you are familiar with the Valentino Rock Studs that retail for £600+ then you will be pleased to know that these ca fraction of that price. They look basically identical and I bet you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. If I end up buying anything from Krisp it will have to be these, they could be worn during the day and on a evening for that classic look.
There is something about this patent colour that I have really grown to love recently. The colour goes with most things that you wear and the addition of a snakeskin print on the front of this bag looks gorgeous. Small handbags are great on a night out as you don't take your whole life with you, the cross body one is perfect.
As you can see Krisp have some amazing things to offer and I have fallen in love, I couldn't talk about every single item that I love in this post. So, I decided to create a pinterest board to show all the things that I admire. Definitely, have a browse on the site and see what they have to offer....
Is there anything that caught your eye?
*collaboration with Krisp
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