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What's in my Bag?

in my bag

Don't you just love been really nosey? I love anything that is titled 'What's In..' or 'What I Got...', these sorts of posts really tell you what a person is like and gives you a hint into everything they do. Today I am sharing with you the bits I keep in my 'evergrowing' handbag. 

makeup bag

The most important thing in my handbag is my purse! I store all my loyalty cards, cash and a ton of receipts. Anyone else have a bad habit of keeping them all? Then I carry with me a small mirror for those times when I have something disgusting stuck in my teeth or my lipstick needs sorting out. I have recently started to carry a hand cream in my bag too, my hands always get dry and before I never did anything about it. Having t in my bag reminds me to moisturize and look after them. Then I have my staple lip products and by this I mean the nude ones. I usually throw in a lipstick at the start of the day to correspond with the one I'm wearing, but other than that I keep it neutral. Lip balm in my bag is a new addition due to the cold weather lipstick can be very drying. 

in my bag

Some boring things in my bag are pens for when I need to sign something (rarely need to), hair grips because these damn things fall out of my hair! Post it notes to remind me of things and about things and also paracetamol to help with any sort of pain. Then my favourite item is of course my phone!

I adore having lovely phone cases and am always on the look out for a new one, my phone is very rarley the ones that retailers do. So I always look online. This 'Oh la la' case is actually a personalised one from GoCustomized*, who are all about personalised phone cases. They let you pick your model, your design and the rim colour. I went with white due to the background of the picture (that I found on pinterest) and it looks like a match made in heaven. I have a Galaxy and absolutely love it, the way it works, the size - just everything is perfect. It's what I use to take all my blog photos too and the quality is amazing. Make your own Samsung Galaxy S5 phone case

There's a little nosey into my handbag! What's yours? 

*product sent to me to review, all opinions are my own

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