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New Year's Resolutions for 2016

New Year's Resolutions
Welcome to 2016! For the past two years I have shared some of my resolutions for the new year and I thought why stop this year? Last year and the year before were a little out there but this year, the wiser head on my shoulders has thought of some more achievable ones.

1. Skin  
This is the same thing every year and it will carry on for however long it can possibly go on. These last few months I have kind of got into a routine in the morning and evening and I want to carry that on through the new year. No more using wipes/buying wipes in case I am feeling lazy - I have to cleanse properly. 

2. Makeup
This is the weirdest resolution ever but I am on project use up and clean up. I have a lot of makeup piling up in every place possible. Hence why this year I want to use it all and not think 'what about the money' I bought it to enjoy so I might as well use it up. This also includes spending a little more on the higher end products.

Blogging wise I want to  improve the content I post, by spending more time on high quality images and taking time writing the posts I write. I am a big fan of drafting up posts in advance and then I don't stress but from now on I want to write when I am having a good day and post as and when. 

4.Social Media
At the start of last ear I used to be very active on all social media and it kind of died down towards the end, this year I am wanting to grow my following and become a lot more active.

5. Enjoy Life
Every so often this year I want to take time out to reflect on the happiest moments of my life, why I am thankful and also enjoy every minute that I have. 

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