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Social media and the concept of beauty

Social media and the concept of beauty
Social media and the concept of beauty
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The appearance of the internet only 25 years ago has changed our world forever. Billions of people go online every day and interact with people in ways that were entirely impossible and unimaginable even to our parents’ generation. 

We are now able to access all types of information and share things that were once shared with our close friends and family only. Take the social media for example: they have completely changed the way we live, from socializing, dating and communicating, to shopping and working. 

Nowadays, if you don’t have a social network profile, it is almost as if you don’t exist. You are on the outskirts of the modern world.

The Impact On Our Status In Society 

Social media and the concept of beauty
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This has brought about some serious changes in the way how we see and present ourselves, making us more aware of our appearance, our ‘friends’ and our general status in society. We have gone from anonymity to global presence almost overnight. And now we have to play the part, we have to look the best we can, show we are interesting and beautiful and provide continual proof of it.

The Phenomena Of Selfies

Social media and the concept of beauty
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Our ‘walls’ and ‘feeds’ abound with self-portraits, commonly known as ‘selfies’. In the times past, taking photos of yourself and constantly putting them on public display in order to get feedback for your looks would have been considered narcissistic, but in our times it is a given. Everybody has become a photo model and a star in their own movie now, striking best poses and showing their best face. The phenomena of social networks and selfies have changed the paradigms of what beauty is and what is acceptable.

Recent Studies

Social media and the concept of beauty
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Recent Dove studies have shown that 82% of women believe social media are impacting how we define beauty now. The days of magazine top models and TV stars are gone; we used to form our ideas of beauty by looking at them and comparing ourselves to their bodies and feel inadequate to say the least. But nowadays, we have access to many more images of real women and girls who do not look like top models but are beautiful nonetheless. We are slowly but surely redefining our concepts of beauty thanks to the selfie craze!


Social media and the concept of beauty
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Apart from making us more liberal and accepting of cultural and physical differences, selfies have also raised the bar. We tend to think that ‘if so and so can look a certain way, why can’t we’.

Even though there are many photo editing filters people use to optimize their selfies and edit their less desirable features, some people go the extra mile of actually undergoing real life style changes and make-overs. Talking to specialists from the Skin Clinic Penrith we’ve found out that the selfie trend has caused an increase in the number of people having cosmetic procedures like mesotherapy and filler injections. It is certainly far better to use these non-invasive procedures than to try to cover our imperfections with tons of thick make-up which only makes us look older and unnatural.

These days the aim has become to maintain the fresh, youthful and natural look that will get us the biggest amount of likes on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles, and we do not shy away from achieving it.

Welcome to the future where the best version of yourself is the ideal of beauty!

Author BIO:
Sophia Smith is a freelance writer from Brisbane, Australia with huge interest in beauty, fashion, photography and graphic design. Sophia is also very passionate about social media and DIY projects. She could be described as beauty addict and life lover. She writes in mostly beauty related topics, mainly through blogs and articles.

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