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Guest Post| How to give your locks a moisture recharge

Hello! I'm Laura from and the lovely Parie is kindly letting me guest post today. - very exciting! I want to tell you all about a fantastic little product to help whip your hair into shape before the summer. I have been struggling recently with dry and tangled hair that has been in need of a bit of TLC. So off I went to Boots in search of something to remedy it.
 I picked up a bottle of the Aussie Miracle Recharge Lightweight Conditioning Spray as I am already a huge fan of their shampoo and conditioner. The conditioning spray contains Australian macadamia nut oil which is a great ingredient, packed full of nutrients and vitamins that softens your hair, rejuvenates it and also works to protect it. Proteins in the oil help to strengthen hair, preventing split ends which makes dry hair look worse.
I have been incorporating the spray into my existing hair care routine which includes brushing my hair with a Tangle Teezer before I hop in the shower then double shampooing and conditioning  using products designed specifically for dry/damaged hair. Then I use the Charles Worthington Moisture Seal Mineral Masque for a couple of minutes before rinsing.
Once I get out of the shower, I gently squeeze any excess water from my hair. Please, please do not towel dry your hair ever! It damages the cuticle (the outer layer) of the hair causing it to look frizzy and can lead to breakage. When your hair is wet, it becomes more elastic and prone to breaking so be gentle!
To soak up some of that excess water, use a microfibre hair turban while you brush your teeth, put your makeup on, or whatever else you need to do to get ready. Then once ready, remove the turban and liberally spritz the lengths of your hair with the conditioning spray, followed by a heat protection spray, then dry and style your hair as normal.
If you follow this routine, you will inject moisture back into your hair and it will look smoother, shinier and healthier in no time as well as smelling amazing! For more reviews, top tips and wish lists pop over to 

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