Now then, things are going to get quite personal in today's post so to prepare you I warn you that this post is about a subscription service for THAT time of the month - in other words a box that comes to your door just before you're on your period or in my world my q's so no one will ever know! Beauty boxes have become so bug and I know for some teens out there that are just like me buying them can be quite expensive and sometimes not to want we want is inside it. Now, welcome to the new Teen Parcel for all of us teens out there that are going through our periods or if you are about to start then this box is everything you need to survive.
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The box comes through you're letter box and it 's all pretty and pink which is such a girl colour! inside the box there is various little boxes inside filled with different things for you! In this box tere is a little sample of body lotion which by the way smells amazing and feels super soft.
As you can see, there is four different things inside the parcel...below I am going to talk through each one there is one 'for you, two for later and then a little handbag hero'.
How it Works?
Its super simple and easy to navigate around the site, all you do is tell them you're favourite brand - choice between the famous ones! Then you select you're dates, now if you're like me and very irregular then it's not to worry as you can change and edit you're dates. You'll then get the parcel 3-5 days before getting you prepared and ready!
The 'For Later' and little 'For Now' parcels include tampons. There is enough in here to last you, you're entire period from start to finish depending on how long you're periods last for. I love the idea of the little bag it's great for keeping with you at school/when you're out and even at work. The boxes are also great to keep in you're room as they don't look as obvious as wrapping you get in the shop and can be hidden away from someone's eyes. To find out more about how the box works then click here to find out more!
Now for my favourite part of the box! Teen Parcel work with lot's of different brands to bring you a little treat every month that is perfect and very relaxing. In this box I got a Clean and Clear Cleanser, Moisturiser and Spot treatment - How Amazing? The range is so expensive and you're getting it in this box for a lot cheaper! I also got a packet of Haribo's, a bracelet and then a sample of some Tea Pigs tea which I have been dying to try out for the longest time along with a nail polish from BINKY London which is a gorgeous blue sparkly colour!
The best part is that this box is only £9.95 with you're first one being £5.95! I love this concept of the box and the way it works, for all you out there who are scared of starting or get scared then this box will make life a lot easier and make it seem like the best thing ever! Because let's all admit that being on your period SUCKS and its the worst thing ever and I am sure we have all had our fair share of problems with them but this box will seriously change you're world. Be sure to check out the Teen Parcel Website HERE and if you fancy it Subscribe!
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