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The Ultimate Guide To Freshers Week

Top 11 tips for surviving Fresher’s week 
The Ultimate Guide To Freshers Week
Starting university can be one of the most daunting things to go through. Moving away from your friends and family can be a scary time. 

But it needn’t be as frightening as people make out. There are plenty of ways to ensure your move into uni halls go smoothly. Follow these top tips for surviving Fresher’s Week:

1. Make your room homely – Moving into somewhere new can be a very daunting experience. That first night in your new room can be an odd and unsettling one, especially if you are moving straight from home and all its comforts. Create your own little space by making your room homely, like your room at home. Put up posters, make your bed, create nice lighting and decorate your space with trinkets and memorabilia. 

2. Keep your door open when unpacking – While you are unpacking and sorting out your room keep your door open. This will encourage people to stop by your room and start conversation as you will appear more approachable.

3. Keep treats in your room – Everyone loves cake! If possible, have cake or chocolate or sweets in your room and give them out to your new house mates. This will get the conversation started and you will come across as a nice person to live with. 

4. Play music – Have some music playing which you are setting up your room. Play it loud enough that your new flat mates will be able to hear it in the hall but not so loud as to annoy them. Hopefully this will get conversations started as people will come in and ask about your music taste. Before you know it you will be discussing Biffy Clyro, Rihanna and Avicii! 

5. Buddy up – Once you have met your flatmates, buddy up! It can be scary having to go and talk to new people without a friend by your side to back you up, so gather your flat mates and go chat to people. Suggest a house outing to a fresher event to try and get the conversation flowing. 

6. Save a taxi number to your phone – Moving to a new city or area of the country means you don’t know your way around and probably know even less when under the influence of alcohol! Make sure you google a local taxi number and save it to your phone, but to be even more sensible, find a local taxi number from the Student Union as these will be recommended companies. At least if you get lost you can call a cab to come and save you from a 10 mile walk home! 

7. Check fresher week schedules – With so much going on during Fresher’s week, it can be hard to keep up. Sign up to email notifications of events going on your campus and suggest events to your flat mates. Even if they aren’t keen to go, go along by yourself and chat to people – it’s the only way to make friends! 

8. Condoms – Sometimes a drunken night can lead to a little too much fun… ensure you are prepared by carrying a condom or two. Not only do these prevent pregnancy (obviously!) but also the passing on of sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infections such as BV. 

9. Try to go to as many social events as possible – Try to attend as many events during Fresher’s week as you can. It may be tiring but it will mean that you are open to making friends and getting to know your campus and university. 

10. Take your vitamins – With so many social events to attend, it is important to keep your energy levels up and your immune system strong. Taking multi-vitamins and supplements from Nutrition Centre will help keep your immune system strong. Try taking Nature’s Own Vitamin C Extra to help avoid the dreaded ‘Fresher’s Flu’.

11. Always take cash out with you when you go out – You don’t want to be the one everyone has to loan money to because you haven’t got cash on you. Make sure you carry enough cash on you to have a couple of drinks and be able to get home. 

Find out more about getting the right vitamins for you on the Nutrition Centre! Also why not buy yourself a face mask from Montagne Jeunesse whilst you relax before you go out! 

*Post Courtney of Wired Media*

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